Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 6th fourth hour

             The day started out with Mr. Rosenberg introducing himself as our substitute for Mrs.Smith and went over the Agenda with us. We then began today's lesson by viewing our Power of fear slides we created as a class and discussed each quote with Mr. Rosenberg, who posed some very interesting questions for us to ponder. Such as: Do we mostly fear the known or unknown more?, Do people truly fear the joy of life?, Can fear be a motivator or a hinder? and many more thought provoking questions. He also asked each individual slide creator about the quote they picked and how it shows the power fear can possess. 

              Mr. Rosenberg then handed out a poem titled "The Fist" by Derek Walcott (* link posted belowand split us into groups of four so that we could have small meaningful evaluations of the poem and receive help answering these  questions: 
  1. Annotate and comment on the poem. What line strikes you the most? Why? What lines do you  have Questions about?
  2. What is Walcott's message?
  3. How does it connect to Pi or to "Life of Pi"?
We then discussed these same questions as a class and kept the questions to possibly turn in on Monday. And the last ten minutes of class were spent reading "Life of Pi" individually to get an early start on this weekends homework.
             Homework for this weekend is to read chapters 37-45 of "Life of Pi" and to create a slide illustrating the power of hope.

                                                    Have a great weekend everyone!

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