What qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody? What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class? Make sure to proofread your response, as well as comment and connect to one another's
The good qualities teachers and students need for a good class room environment are good communication skills, an understanding between the student and teacher on how one particular student learns. Another thing is a fun environment for the learning experience.
Good qualities that a teacher and his/her students need to have include, like Tyler said, good communication and being able to understand and know different teaching and learning styles. Teachers and students also need to have a sense of trust between each other, that way everybody feels comfortable while in the classroom. Although I expect to learn in this class, I also expect to learn in a fun way that makes class enjoyable and interesting.
For me, good qualities that both teachers and students need are respect and kindness. What Tyler and Gavyn said are also essentials for a good class. Teachers and Students need to respect each other and understand each others' feeling and show kindness toward it.
I think the goal of the teachers, students, and class in general should be to create an environment that is comfortable. Students and teachers alike should be hard working, respectful, and helpful to their classmates. I expect myself to uphold and practice these qualities every day and I would hope my teacher would promote them.
I think the goal of the teachers, students, and class in general should be to create an environment that is comfortable. Students and teachers alike should be hard working, respectful, and helpful to their classmates. I expect myself to uphold and practice these qualities every day and I would hope my teacher would promote them.
The goal of the teachers and students should be to create harmony with each other and feel comfortable learning with each other every day. If the teachers and students have mutual respect for one another, then the classroom will be much more enjoyable and everyone would get a lot more out of it. I expect myself to uphold respect for all my classmates as well as my teacher, and I would hope that they would all do the same for me.
I believe that in order for a class to function smoothly there needs to be plenty of communication. If the teacher needs something from the students of the class, or the other way around, there must be an effective and clear way to solve any misunderstandings. Investment in the class is also a key factor. If the teacher wants to be there, then the majority of the students will want to be there as well. I would expect both these things from my teacher and myself, as well as a certain level of respect from the class toward its members and the teacher.
The qualities both a teacher and the students should have include positive attitudes, respect for one another and good communication skills. With those qualities alone, the class should be a positive learning environment for everyone.
Mutual respect and communication are the most important qualities that are needed to have a comfortable classroom environment. I hope that I will progress in this class substantially and become better prepared for my future with the help of Ms. Smith.
When I think of a good class, it is one where everyone is engaged in whatever is going on, whether it is a movie, a fishbowl, a discussion, or any other activity that may happen during class. For me, more than anything, I want to know that my teacher and fellow peers are as interested in what I have to say as I am interested in what they have to say. My ideal teacher is one that will help me become the person I want to be when I don’t know how to get there. As a student we are expected to be completely honest with the faculty and our peers and I want a teacher who will do the same. As a human being you have an opinion and I personally enjoy it when my teachers are open and share their opinions. A teacher should be more than just someone who stands at the front of the room and makes sure everyone is doing their work, they should participate in the discussion as if they were a student. A good student, like a good teacher, should be interested in the conversation and willing to participate. It’s no fun being in a discussion class when no one says anything. A good student should also be supportive of others and their ideas, even if you don’t necessarily believe the idea right. A classroom should be a safe place for everyone to learn together.
To be a good teacher means to recognize individuality and difference in learning style among each student; as well as having patience, understanding, and enthusiasm. Like Greg said, if the teacher shows investment in the students and what they’re learning, then the students feel that it is worthwhile to uphold themselves to high standards, in addition to being fully engaged in each class period. Good students should provide each other with a comfortable and judgment-free atmosphere in order to focus on the topic of class at hand. Furthermore, good students should give mutual respect and understanding to one another due to the speed and depth in which different people learn; as well as respecting the teacher, and recognizing the time and effort being put for in each class period for them to utilize. There’s nothing worse than promoting one’s self-agenda before the good of the class as a whole. I expect myself to uphold all of these qualities mentioned and to give full respect to all of my classmates and teacher.
I believe that in order for a classroom to thrive and be a productive environment a healthy amount of communication, be from the students or from the teacher, is beneficial. It allows for more feedback and more viewpoints from others which in turn can help form my own opinions on the matters discussed in class. I have been in too many awkward classrooms where no one speaks and the class ends up being no more productive than just sitting in an empty room talking to a wall. I hope that throughout this class I will be able to learn to not only improve upon my writing and reading skills but to also try to enjoy it as it is sadly one of my least favorite subjects.
The qualities that good students, teachers, and classrooms embody are trust, as William said, and communication. These are both intricate to the classroom because a student should be able to communicate what they need from the class and respect the teacher in determining how to teach to those needs. I expect to learn in this class in an interactive and interesting environment.
An excellent teacher is open-minded and creative. He or she allows students to express themselves and understands different learning styles. I appreciate teachers who teach how to learn rather than what to learn. I related to what both Lauren L and Jenevieve W said about an accepting and non-judgmental environment for learning. I think all students have something unique to offer and I appreciate diversity. This is very important in a class like literature where people can add a lot to the understanding and interpretation of books and stories by sharing their own individual experiences and reactions. Good students are respectful to one another and to their teacher. The come to class wanting to learn and invest in the discussions and/or activities. They show interest in what others have to share and understand that the best way to learn something new is to keep an open mind and listen thoughtfully. In previous Lit classes I have read some books that really "spoke" to me and others that really didn't, so I enjoy having other students to discuss the material with who may have had different reactions. I expect that we will support each other to do our best in this class and that Ms. Smith will help us along the way when we face challenges. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and learning from all of you and Ms. Smith.
I agree with much of what Jenevieve W and LaurenL2015 said in their comments. Earnest participation and thoughtful contributions should be executed by both the teacher and the class. Also, as a class, we should be comfortable enough with each other that we may feel safe to share our thinking and not scared that our ideas will be shot down. Here I think it is the teacher's job to control the situation and help any particular student that may find themselves at the mercy of their classmates. Likewise I believe that class discussions (of texts) are essential tools that will help each and every student, whether by helping their comprehension of particular texts or to develop their thinking further.
It is not easy for a class to become "one of those classes that students and teachers ACTUALLY look forward to". Not at all, a class is not simply given this achievement, it is earned. It is earned by the students and the teachers. A combination of mutual respect, early detection of issues and trust are what it takes to earn this prestige award. Students and teachers need to respect each other equally in order for the class to function properly. A good teacher knows that if he/she wants their students to like them, they can not make the class a complete totalitarian system. Teachers also need to have the ability to know when there is an issue in their classroom and find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise it can grow into something larger then it ever needed to be. It should go without saying that students must treat their teacher with respect and the teacher needs to do the same in order for everyone to get along all year long. This year I expect myself to receive a GPA of a 4.0 or higher. I expect Mrs. Smith to help me with college essays if I ever need help and to teach me in way that I have never been taught before. This class should be very fun and help me prepare for college!
A good teacher is someone who is enthusiastic and really love what they teach; a good student is someone who can do their work for their class because they want to learn, not just for the "A"; and a good class is respectful and can contribute to discussions. As Tyler said, there needs to be communication between the class as a whole, the teacher, and to each individual. Like Riley, I have very high expectations of myself. I wish to, at least, achieve a 4.0 GPA. I expect the class to help me improve on my writing, teach me how to read critically, and to prepare me for college. I expect you to help me achieve my goals and to help me with scholarship opportunities and for my college essays.
Teachers and students embody themselves with communications and understandings. If there were no discussions or perspectives between the two parties, then the classroom would not be a good environment. Students and teachers need to be comfortable with one another to succeed. Therefore, every one needs to participate to make the classroom better, instead of making some students or teachers uncomfortable. Classmates should not share any foul comments that would disrupt the class at any time. I expect myself to achieve the goal of writing a well written essay and not procrastinate on any given assignments. I expect Mrs. Smith to understand any of the struggles that I encounter and help me through it every step of the way. I also expect my peers to help each other with unanswered questions.
I believe that students should be attentive and eager to learn while the teacher should try their best to make the class as interesting as possible. It is extremely hard to connect to a boring teacher for me and I am sure it is the same for many others but the students also need to make an effort to enjoy class and have a good mind set. I believe having a good mind set is the key to having a good year and the worst one possible. The expectations I have for this class are to make it fun and for all of us to connect to create a learning environment that will make it easy to express our opinions and facts so we can freely express and show no judgment. I believe that Riley is correct when he says students and teachers need to respect each other equally and I believe the class will run smoothly.
I think that teachers should have a sense of humor. I know that at some point, this can become distracting, but is it really going to hurt to throw a few jokes in here and there? For me, it is hard to listen to lectures all day, especially one at 7:21 in the morning. Students need to be respectful of their teacher because in doing so, it's also respectful of the class. A class that is trying to learn is not going to do so by having to listen to rude comments all the time. With that said, I also think that it is important for the class to be respectful of the students trying to learn. There is obviously a time for jokes and laughing, but it is not all the time. Some expectations I have of me is that I can be respectful of others. In the past, I have been known to speak before thinking sometimes and that has gotten me into a bit of trouble. Some of the expectations I have of my classmates is to be engaging. It is always hard to be in a class that doesn't want to raise their hands or participate. I also agree with Lauren, I think that it is important for students to be supportive of others ideas, even if they don't necessarily agree with them. An expectation I have for you is that you help us to love English Literature. I know at least for me, it is hard to love reading, but I have had some teachers that have helped me appreciate books and writing more than I have ever before.
It is important for teachers and students to respect each other and to recognize individual personalities and ideas. With this being said, all members of the class should collectively work together and collaborate. I agree with Gavyn that students and teachers should trust each other. I expect myself to be involved in the class and to grow as a writer and learner. I expect the class to be enjoyable and memorable.
What is most important for a teacher to me is clarity and respect. I expect to both earn respect and give it to my teacher. By the end of this year most of us will legally be adults and while that is a far step from being an actual adult it is still nice to know that your teacher recognizes you aren't a kid and treats you as such. I also think that respect between students and teachers allows for more open conversation. Clarity is another important attribute a teacher should have because when a teacher is straight forward about what they want and expect from you it is easier to accomplish those things.
Good qualities that students, teachers, and classes embody are communication, creativity, and being active. It is important for a student and his teacher to understand each other on how the student learns best. Creativity makes the class more interesting and more enjoyable to attend. Being active requires students to participate and put in effort which in return should help them better understand the material. My expectations of myself is to make myself a better reader, since reading is not something I enjoy doing.
Qualities of a good teacher is someone who is excited to come to their job and wants to make a differnce in kid’s life. A teacher must always have a good positive outlook on everything they teach and also come up with fun and creative ways to get their ideas and points across. As for the students I believe that we should always give our best efforts and come with a good mindset, allowing us to gain as much from the class as we can. Expectations I have for myself would be to write the best college essay I can and keep working hard in school and allow my dreams to become a reality. For Mrs. Smith I just want her to always make class fun and something I look forward to coming to!!
The qualities that good teachers and students need to have for a good class room environment is good communication, being able to respect one another and being able to help others. Also, having a fun and entertaining environment will help make learning more fun.
A good classroom is a place where everyone can add useful comments to discussions and share their own opinions without being criticized by others. A good teacher will help keep people in check during conversations and with their work loads. An expectation I set for myself is to put my best into every paper I write and to always take other's opinions into consideration.
A good classroom is a place where everyone can add useful comments to discussions and share their own opinions without being criticized by others. A good teacher will help keep people in check during conversations and with their work loads. An expectation I set for myself is to put my best into every paper I write and to always take other's opinions into consideration.
Good teacher's are dedicated to the students that they teach. They teach to make a difference in the lives of those they mentor, they care not only about a student excelling in the classroom, but in life as well. Good students give their best efforts and always aim to do better. A good classroom should be a place of comfort, respect, and open communication between teachers, students, and peers, as well as a place to just have some fun. The expectations that I have for myself would be to stay on top of the workload and always do my best and my expectations for the class is that it would adequately prepare be for college and life outside of the classroom.
To me a good teacher needs these three qualities; they need to be approachable, respectful/understanding and they need to have charisma. I don't want to be afraid of or uncomfortable around my teacher. If I need help with something I want to be able to speak with my teacher comfortably without it being something I dread. When a teacher is approachable and friendly getting the help I need is much easier. Good teachers also need to be respectful of their students and their time. Students have a lot going on during and after school and need teachers to understand that things can get a bit crazy and students need some flexibility. Just as teachers need to be respectful and understanding so do students, also realizing that their teachers have busy lives as well. This also goes for the classroom, classes are only about an hour long so it is important the class keeps going with minimal unnecessary interruptions. And finally, teachers need charisma. If my teacher isn't excited about what we are learning then neither am I. Class is much quicker and enjoyable if everyone is involved and having a good time.
I think that for a classroom and everyone in it to be efficient and effective they need to be: organized, responsible, and patient with each other. Without these qualities there would be to much confusion and chaos for anything to get done in a timely and efficient manner, let alone at all. As well, I agree with Gabe when he says we need to all participate and be attentive to each other. Really the only real place to learn and gain knowledge is from each other.
i think that for the class to be successful, We need to be able to work together in positive way. What i mean by a "positive" way is that we need to be able to help each other when we may not understand an assignment, We need to be respectful of each other and out individual ideas, And we need to be able to work with each other and not against each other. I agree with Caleb when he says that we need to be organized, responsible and patient with each other. I agree with him because we will never be able to complete things as a class if we are not doing the able the three items. We should be able to learn from others in the class and try not to put their ideas down.
To have a class run successfully for both students and the teacher, communication is a biggie; but I also think having informal conversations with the teacher sometimes would also be a good thing. This allows the students to be more comfortable with one on ones with the teacher. For this year, I expect to myself to improve my writing skills, and social skills. I just hope Mrs. Smith will control the class when necessary and have fun.
A good teacher to me is someone who doesn't just stand at the front of the room and only lecture, but instead finds other ways to help everyone learn and get involved. A good class is one where everyone takes part, whether it's actually paying attention, doing assignments, or taking part in discussion. I think as students, we are expected to interact in class, respect when someone is talking,and pay attention. I expect Mrs. Smith to answer any questions that anyone has for her and be available for any outside help as well.
A good teacher is one who is always involved in their students lives, not just in their academic life, but social and extra-curricular life too. The teacher wants to find out ways to help his/her students succeed in his/her class. A good class is one that respects the teacher, and the others in the class. they participate and are involved in what the teacher is doing. I personally am not a good writer, but I would love to be able to become a reader in where I am confident in my work.
In order for a class to be successful, the teacher must engage the students in communication whether it be over a book or an assignment; the students must engage during class discussions and participate; the classes themselves need to have a comfortable environment. My expectations for myself, Smith, and the class are similar to the expectations I have for a classroom in general.
Qualities of a good teacher are good communication skills, being understanding, having an open mind, etc. A good teacher should be willing to really listen to what each and every student has to say and take it into consideration. A good student is willing to try their hardest and learn, that's why they are in school. A good class should be willing to work together, to create a comfortable learning environment. I have high expectations for this class, Smith, and myself because language arts classes are my favorite.
I think both students and teachers need to be able to communicate and work together. Students should also be prepared to learn and should respect their teacher and classmates. Classes should be able to cooperate and create a fun learning environment. I have high expectations for this class because everyone seems optimistic and the first day went well.
I think that its both important to be personable as a teacher and a student. It has always seemed that through out my school career that when their is good communication things go smoother. I also like when a teacher understands that life happens and sometimes theirs is no getting around it. This is very helpful because their isn't such a tense setting and it isn't to strict. Class should be a fun learning environment, not a class everyone dreads going to each and every morning. I expect to learn a lot during this class but also want to have fun in the last English class I will ever take.
I think the good qualities teachers and students embody is good communication .The expectations I have for myself is to grow as a writer and reader. Also to become confidant in those two subjects. For Mrs.Smith my expectations would be willing to work with me even if it takes me a while to understand things we are learning about. I really like when teachers understand we will have things that come up and it will happen and thats okay; but knowing the teacher is willing to work with you is very nice.For the class my expectations are to have a fun environment and be abel to work together.
One of the most important qualities in any relationship in life is communication. This is especially true in the case of a student-teacher relationship. Without communication, the student nor the teacher knows what's going on. Mutual respect is also key in all relationships. You are treated by others based on how you treat others. I expect to become a stronger reader and writer through this class. A fun and interactive classroom environment helps me learn best and I am guessing this is the case for most students. I am optimistic for this year and I am excited to get back to work.
One of the most important qualities between a student and teacher is good communication. I think this is a good quality because communicating allows the student and teacher to know exactly what is going on. Another thing is having a good learning experience and have fun while learning because then it keeps everybody engaged and enjoy the class a lot more.
In order for students and teachers to be successful in a classroom, they must learn to understand one another. This goes for not only the students of the class, but also between the teacher and the students. Everyone must be accepting of everyone's thoughts, whether you disagree or not. After all, a discussion is pointless if everyone just agrees with each other; there must be differing thoughts and ideas. Another important way to be to be a good class is to allow everyone to learn in their own way and manner, and not trap them into a specific method. I expect to have a fun class with everyone participating and having a good time. I agree with Michelle S, in that everyone should feel comfortable and unafraid to be their self in the class. I also hope we can be sure to have fun and not get caught up in learning material all the time.
The most important quality of a class that makes is successful is that it is memorable. Every day we shuffle through classes robotically but if we are apart of a class that automatically stands out then that is a win win for the teacher and students. In order to make the class memorable there has to be a good balance between comedy and seriousness to make the class interesting. With a good balance everyone can become comfortable with their peers and feel more at ease to share thoughts. Once this is established the important manners such as being respectful of one another and listening to what each individual has to say becomes more natural. As these become more natural a good class has a subtle friendship aspect between teacher and student and student to student which further supports the base of a good class. My expectations of this year are for everyone to feel comfortable in class to share what is on their mind about a topic and like Alyssa R said, to have good communication. Communication is the basis of friendship and friendship is the basis to a memorable class.
A good teacher is someone who is dedicated to helping his or her students as much as possible, and not one who just lectures for an entire class period. Good students would include people who can respect one another and are kind to everyone. I think that with the students and teacher being able to communicate well then things will work out. With both of those being done would create a good class. In this class I do expect to improve in many different ways as well as enjoy the time that is spent in this class. I would like to do this in a fun and enjoyable way.
A good class is one that the teacher and the students collaborate in a positive way. The teacher understands the class and respects them. Likewise, a good class is one that respects the teacher, does their best, and actually tries to learn. If a teacher and the class can work in harmony together, then the school year will be a beneficial, and worth while one. I expect that I will learn a lot from Ms. Smith, that she will do her best to make sure that I, and everyone else, will learn something new and useful this year. I expect that when I need help, I can go to her and get the problem resolved. I expect that she will be a caring teacher that is invested in helping us succeed. I hope that this class will be educational, informational, and entertaining.
A good teacher is one that respects his/her students and has thorough communications on what they expect. A good class needs to be one that keeps us busy but doesn't have us doing nonsense busy work that has no point. I do also believe that, like Michael said, a class needs to have a little bit of humor in it to keep the mood alive and not have us bored out of our minds because at that point we are not going to learn anything because our minds are somewhere else. I hope to learn a lot from Ms. Smith this year and end the year better than I started it.
In my opinion, there are two parts to an effective classroom setting: the teacher and the students. The teacher should be engaging and dynamic, demonstrating a real love for the the subject matter which they are teaching. Also, the teacher should have a legitimate belief that each of his or her students can succeed. The other part of an effective classroom setting is the student body. They must be interested in participating fully, and be willing to learn and to seek help from the teacher. As many have said before, communication between the two parties is also crucial.
My own expectations follow my criteria for an effective class. I will hold myself to the elements I believe make up an effective student, and I expect that Mrs. Smith will exceed my criteria for an effective teacher. I look forward to a great year!
Good teachers and good students are just good people in general. They know to be polite and respectful as well as know that there is a time to work and a time to have fun. Students in class should be prepared to learn and support one another because for some the thought of sharing ideas with the class can be scary. I will be responsible and stay on task over the course of the year and I hope to have fun in learning about English Literature.
Michelle S. I really liked what you said about the dedication that teachers have towards their students! The sense of dedication almost offers a source of connection and trust between students and teachers.
Good teachers and good students need to be on the same page. Teachers need to see where we are coming from if we struggle with a certain topic, and we need to see where the teacher is coming from if told we need to buckle down and get work done. The class needs to embody respect but also the confidence to help other classmates or speak their mind if they disagree. I think theis class will be a good one, the kids seem to like interaction, and Mrs. Smith seems to like having fun and making the class enjoyable.
Good teachers exhibit qualities of understanding of not just the material, but each students learning situation. It's not about classes, but about individual students. Even in the face of sarcasm and dis-interest, they stay calm and respectful, trying to work with the the student. Students should come to class with the mindset that they are going to learn, because that is why we come to school. School only takes up half the day, and we can do other things with our free time. Classes should accept the fact that the people in the class are going to be there and won't be swapped out, so they should learn to work with each other. I expect to walk away at the end of the semester feeling like I learned something of value. I expect Ms. Smith to just keep doing what she has been doing so far, because it seems promising. And lastly I expect the class to support each other and have somewhat of a professional environment.
I like what Eric said about communication. If you don't let yourself be heard, then nobody will hear you. Talk with the teacher about concerns. Talk with your classmates. It will just work out better.
I think for an optimal learning environment both teachers and students must care and being willing to show interest. Obviously respect and communication play big roles as well. I believe everything works best when teachers and students are comfortable with each other. Were all seniors and I would like to think were all mature enough to conduct ourselves appropriately in the classroom, therefore I don't see any problems. I think with all that being said we should have a good year.
I totally agree with Kirsten T; I think a truly successful class is one who is engaged and interested in the topics, and a teacher who encourages creativity. A class cannot be successful if the teacher is not there for the students. I believe that teachers should strive to change the lives of their students, as Kirsten said. I also agree with Griffin H. that a class must be united. To me that means that when you cross the threshold into the room, all drama and prejudice are left in the hall so that the classroom can be an environment that invites openness and questions. I hope that as a class we can work together well and create a sense of unity, even if it's just for an hour, although I hope it is longer than that. I expect that in this class I will learn a lot about college essays, which I'm very grateful for because I need to be thinking about that. I also expect that I will question and re-question concepts and ideas that we read or talk about to better understand and appreciate the world. I will work to live up to the expectations set on me as an English Lit student, a junior, and as a peer.
A good teacher is someone who is passionate about what they teach, can find a enjoyable way to teach to students, can connect with students, and lastly can push the students to their best with constructive criticism. A good student tries to keep a positive attitude, pushes themselves to be the best that they can be, and respects the teacher as well as other classmates. In a good classroom students and teachers should be comfortable to express thoughts and ideas and like Calvin said the classroom should be a warm, welcoming as well as professional environment. In this class I would like to have a comfortable setting and experience while improving my reading and writing skills.
I think good quality teachers have the ability to connect with the class in the classroom and also maybe even more importantly connect to their life outside, and improve there everyday life. Good students can create a good relationship with their teacher and open up to them and ask many questions.I expect to do well connecting with Mrs.Smith and to be able to contribute with the class i also hope to have a fun environment to make the class something i look forward to everyday.
The qualities of a good classroom is creating an evironment where everybody feels comfortable to speak what's on their mind. Where everybody accepts each others ideas/thoughts without judging each other. You also need trust between the teacher and student.
The qualities of a good classroom is creating an evironment where everybody feels comfortable to speak what's on their mind. Where everybody accepts each others ideas/thoughts without judging each other. You also need trust between the teacher and student.
In order for there to be good classroom environment, the teacher and students need to respect one another. There also needs to be an understanding between them on how each individual student learns. I expect to feel comfortable being able to share my thoughts in this class. From Mrs. Smith, I expect her to understand that although there are some people in class that aren't as vocally expressive as others might be, they still absorb things from the conversation. Each student learns in a different way and the teacher should always be aware of that.
I do believe that there are many good teachers, students, and classes at Arapahoe. The good teachers are the teachers who not only teach all of their curriculum, but they also follow through with their word. Good students have to do the same. They must do homework, be attentive, and participate in class. Good classes are classes where the students and teachers are on the same page all of the time. If they are not on the same page, then a good class will reach out to fix the confusion. For English Literature, I expect myself to do all of the homework on time and seek help if I need it. For me to be successful in this class I expect Mrs. Smith to help me in my knowledge of writing. I also expect her to be willing to help me if I need help and not over criticize my works. The class just needs to be attentive and pay attention so everyone stays on the same page.
The good qualities teachers and students need for a good class room environment are good communication skills, an understanding between the student and teacher on how one particular student learns. Another thing is a fun environment for the learning experience.
ReplyDeleteTyler Ryan
Good qualities that a teacher and his/her students need to have include, like Tyler said, good communication and being able to understand and know different teaching and learning styles. Teachers and students also need to have a sense of trust between each other, that way everybody feels comfortable while in the classroom. Although I expect to learn in this class, I also expect to learn in a fun way that makes class enjoyable and interesting.
ReplyDeleteGavyn Bills
For me, good qualities that both teachers and students need are respect and kindness. What Tyler and Gavyn said are also essentials for a good class. Teachers and Students need to respect each other and understand each others' feeling and show kindness toward it.
ReplyDeleteI think the goal of the teachers, students, and class in general should be to create an environment that is comfortable. Students and teachers alike should be hard working, respectful, and helpful to their classmates. I expect myself to uphold and practice these qualities every day and I would hope my teacher would promote them.
ReplyDeleteI think the goal of the teachers, students, and class in general should be to create an environment that is comfortable. Students and teachers alike should be hard working, respectful, and helpful to their classmates. I expect myself to uphold and practice these qualities every day and I would hope my teacher would promote them.
ReplyDeleteThe goal of the teachers and students should be to create harmony with each other and feel comfortable learning with each other every day. If the teachers and students have mutual respect for one another, then the classroom will be much more enjoyable and everyone would get a lot more out of it. I expect myself to uphold respect for all my classmates as well as my teacher, and I would hope that they would all do the same for me.
ReplyDeleteI believe that in order for a class to function smoothly there needs to be plenty of communication. If the teacher needs something from the students of the class, or the other way around, there must be an effective and clear way to solve any misunderstandings. Investment in the class is also a key factor. If the teacher wants to be there, then the majority of the students will want to be there as well. I would expect both these things from my teacher and myself, as well as a certain level of respect from the class toward its members and the teacher.
ReplyDeleteThe qualities both a teacher and the students should have include positive attitudes, respect for one another and good communication skills. With those qualities alone, the class should be a positive learning environment for everyone.
ReplyDeleteMutual respect and communication are the most important qualities that are needed to have a comfortable classroom environment. I hope that I will progress in this class substantially and become better prepared for my future with the help of Ms. Smith.
ReplyDeleteIbis Mier y Teran
When I think of a good class, it is one where everyone is engaged in whatever is going on, whether it is a movie, a fishbowl, a discussion, or any other activity that may happen during class. For me, more than anything, I want to know that my teacher and fellow peers are as interested in what I have to say as I am interested in what they have to say. My ideal teacher is one that will help me become the person I want to be when I don’t know how to get there. As a student we are expected to be completely honest with the faculty and our peers and I want a teacher who will do the same. As a human being you have an opinion and I personally enjoy it when my teachers are open and share their opinions. A teacher should be more than just someone who stands at the front of the room and makes sure everyone is doing their work, they should participate in the discussion as if they were a student. A good student, like a good teacher, should be interested in the conversation and willing to participate. It’s no fun being in a discussion class when no one says anything. A good student should also be supportive of others and their ideas, even if you don’t necessarily believe the idea right. A classroom should be a safe place for everyone to learn together.
ReplyDeleteTo be a good teacher means to recognize individuality and difference in learning style among each student; as well as having patience, understanding, and enthusiasm. Like Greg said, if the teacher shows investment in the students and what they’re learning, then the students feel that it is worthwhile to uphold themselves to high standards, in addition to being fully engaged in each class period. Good students should provide each other with a comfortable and judgment-free atmosphere in order to focus on the topic of class at hand. Furthermore, good students should give mutual respect and understanding to one another due to the speed and depth in which different people learn; as well as respecting the teacher, and recognizing the time and effort being put for in each class period for them to utilize. There’s nothing worse than promoting one’s self-agenda before the good of the class as a whole. I expect myself to uphold all of these qualities mentioned and to give full respect to all of my classmates and teacher.
I believe that in order for a classroom to thrive and be a productive environment a healthy amount of communication, be from the students or from the teacher, is beneficial. It allows for more feedback and more viewpoints from others which in turn can help form my own opinions on the matters discussed in class. I have been in too many awkward classrooms where no one speaks and the class ends up being no more productive than just sitting in an empty room talking to a wall. I hope that throughout this class I will be able to learn to not only improve upon my writing and reading skills but to also try to enjoy it as it is sadly one of my least favorite subjects.
ReplyDeleteThe qualities that good students, teachers, and classrooms embody are trust, as William said, and communication. These are both intricate to the classroom because a student should be able to communicate what they need from the class and respect the teacher in determining how to teach to those needs. I expect to learn in this class in an interactive and interesting environment.
ReplyDeleteAlex Shultz
An excellent teacher is open-minded and creative. He or she allows students to express themselves and understands different learning styles. I appreciate teachers who teach how to learn rather than what to learn. I related to what both Lauren L and Jenevieve W said about an accepting and non-judgmental environment for learning. I think all students have something unique to offer and I appreciate diversity. This is very important in a class like literature where people can add a lot to the understanding and interpretation of books and stories by sharing their own individual experiences and reactions. Good students are respectful to one another and to their teacher. The come to class wanting to learn and invest in the discussions and/or activities. They show interest in what others have to share and understand that the best way to learn something new is to keep an open mind and listen thoughtfully. In previous Lit classes I have read some books that really "spoke" to me and others that really didn't, so I enjoy having other students to discuss the material with who may have had different reactions. I expect that we will support each other to do our best in this class and that Ms. Smith will help us along the way when we face challenges. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and learning from all of you and Ms. Smith.
ReplyDeleteI agree with much of what Jenevieve W and LaurenL2015 said in their comments. Earnest participation and thoughtful contributions should be executed by both the teacher and the class. Also, as a class, we should be comfortable enough with each other that we may feel safe to share our thinking and not scared that our ideas will be shot down. Here I think it is the teacher's job to control the situation and help any particular student that may find themselves at the mercy of their classmates. Likewise I believe that class discussions (of texts) are essential tools that will help each and every student, whether by helping their comprehension of particular texts or to develop their thinking further.
ReplyDeleteIt is not easy for a class to become "one of those classes that students and teachers ACTUALLY look forward to". Not at all, a class is not simply given this achievement, it is earned. It is earned by the students and the teachers. A combination of mutual respect, early detection of issues and trust are what it takes to earn this prestige award. Students and teachers need to respect each other equally in order for the class to function properly. A good teacher knows that if he/she wants their students to like them, they can not make the class a complete totalitarian system. Teachers also need to have the ability to know when there is an issue in their classroom and find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise it can grow into something larger then it ever needed to be. It should go without saying that students must treat their teacher with respect and the teacher needs to do the same in order for everyone to get along all year long. This year I expect myself to receive a GPA of a 4.0 or higher. I expect Mrs. Smith to help me with college essays if I ever need help and to teach me in way that I have never been taught before. This class should be very fun and help me prepare for college!
ReplyDelete-Riley Banks
A good teacher is someone who is enthusiastic and really love what they teach; a good student is someone who can do their work for their class because they want to learn, not just for the "A"; and a good class is respectful and can contribute to discussions. As Tyler said, there needs to be communication between the class as a whole, the teacher, and to each individual. Like Riley, I have very high expectations of myself. I wish to, at least, achieve a 4.0 GPA. I expect the class to help me improve on my writing, teach me how to read critically, and to prepare me for college. I expect you to help me achieve my goals and to help me with scholarship opportunities and for my college essays.
ReplyDeleteTeachers and students embody themselves with communications and understandings. If there were no discussions or perspectives between the two parties, then the classroom would not be a good environment. Students and teachers need to be comfortable with one another to succeed. Therefore, every one needs to participate to make the classroom better, instead of making some students or teachers uncomfortable. Classmates should not share any foul comments that would disrupt the class at any time. I expect myself to achieve the goal of writing a well written essay and not procrastinate on any given assignments. I expect Mrs. Smith to understand any of the struggles that I encounter and help me through it every step of the way. I also expect my peers to help each other with unanswered questions.
ReplyDeleteI believe that students should be attentive and eager to learn while the teacher should try their best to make the class as interesting as possible. It is extremely hard to connect to a boring teacher for me and I am sure it is the same for many others but the students also need to make an effort to enjoy class and have a good mind set. I believe having a good mind set is the key to having a good year and the worst one possible. The expectations I have for this class are to make it fun and for all of us to connect to create a learning environment that will make it easy to express our opinions and facts so we can freely express and show no judgment. I believe that Riley is correct when he says students and teachers need to respect each other equally and I believe the class will run smoothly.
ReplyDelete- Justin Morrall
I think that teachers should have a sense of humor. I know that at some point, this can become distracting, but is it really going to hurt to throw a few jokes in here and there? For me, it is hard to listen to lectures all day, especially one at 7:21 in the morning. Students need to be respectful of their teacher because in doing so, it's also respectful of the class. A class that is trying to learn is not going to do so by having to listen to rude comments all the time. With that said, I also think that it is important for the class to be respectful of the students trying to learn. There is obviously a time for jokes and laughing, but it is not all the time. Some expectations I have of me is that I can be respectful of others. In the past, I have been known to speak before thinking sometimes and that has gotten me into a bit of trouble. Some of the expectations I have of my classmates is to be engaging. It is always hard to be in a class that doesn't want to raise their hands or participate. I also agree with Lauren, I think that it is important for students to be supportive of others ideas, even if they don't necessarily agree with them. An expectation I have for you is that you help us to love English Literature. I know at least for me, it is hard to love reading, but I have had some teachers that have helped me appreciate books and writing more than I have ever before.
ReplyDeleteMichael Vartuli
It is important for teachers and students to respect each other and to recognize individual personalities and ideas. With this being said, all members of the class should collectively work together and collaborate. I agree with Gavyn that students and teachers should trust each other. I expect myself to be involved in the class and to grow as a writer and learner. I expect the class to be enjoyable and memorable.
ReplyDeleteWhat is most important for a teacher to me is clarity and respect. I expect to both earn respect and give it to my teacher. By the end of this year most of us will legally be adults and while that is a far step from being an actual adult it is still nice to know that your teacher recognizes you aren't a kid and treats you as such. I also think that respect between students and teachers allows for more open conversation. Clarity is another important attribute a teacher should have because when a teacher is straight forward about what they want and expect from you it is easier to accomplish those things.
ReplyDeleteGood qualities that students, teachers, and classes embody are communication, creativity, and being active. It is important for a student and his teacher to understand each other on how the student learns best. Creativity makes the class more interesting and more enjoyable to attend. Being active requires students to participate and put in effort which in return should help them better understand the material. My expectations of myself is to make myself a better reader, since reading is not something I enjoy doing.
ReplyDeleteQualities of a good teacher is someone who is excited to come to their job and wants to make a differnce in kid’s life. A teacher must always have a good positive outlook on everything they teach and also come up with fun and creative ways to get their ideas and points across. As for the students I believe that we should always give our best efforts and come with a good mindset, allowing us to gain as much from the class as we can. Expectations I have for myself would be to write the best college essay I can and keep working hard in school and allow my dreams to become a reality. For Mrs. Smith I just want her to always make class fun and something I look forward to coming to!!
ReplyDeleteThe qualities that good teachers and students need to have for a good class room environment is good communication, being able to respect one another and being able to help others. Also, having a fun and entertaining environment will help make learning more fun.
ReplyDeleteA good classroom is a place where everyone can add useful comments to discussions and share their own opinions without being criticized by others. A good teacher will help keep people in check during conversations and with their work loads. An expectation I set for myself is to put my best into every paper I write and to always take other's opinions into consideration.
ReplyDeleteA good classroom is a place where everyone can add useful comments to discussions and share their own opinions without being criticized by others. A good teacher will help keep people in check during conversations and with their work loads. An expectation I set for myself is to put my best into every paper I write and to always take other's opinions into consideration.
ReplyDeleteGood teacher's are dedicated to the students that they teach. They teach to make a difference in the lives of those they mentor, they care not only about a student excelling in the classroom, but in life as well. Good students give their best efforts and always aim to do better. A good classroom should be a place of comfort, respect, and open communication between teachers, students, and peers, as well as a place to just have some fun. The expectations that I have for myself would be to stay on top of the workload and always do my best and my expectations for the class is that it would adequately prepare be for college and life outside of the classroom.
ReplyDeleteTo me a good teacher needs these three qualities; they need to be approachable, respectful/understanding and they need to have charisma. I don't want to be afraid of or uncomfortable around my teacher. If I need help with something I want to be able to speak with my teacher comfortably without it being something I dread. When a teacher is approachable and friendly getting the help I need is much easier. Good teachers also need to be respectful of their students and their time. Students have a lot going on during and after school and need teachers to understand that things can get a bit crazy and students need some flexibility. Just as teachers need to be respectful and understanding so do students, also realizing that their teachers have busy lives as well. This also goes for the classroom, classes are only about an hour long so it is important the class keeps going with minimal unnecessary interruptions. And finally, teachers need charisma. If my teacher isn't excited about what we are learning then neither am I. Class is much quicker and enjoyable if everyone is involved and having a good time.
ReplyDeleteI think that for a classroom and everyone in it to be efficient and effective they need to be: organized, responsible, and patient with each other. Without these qualities there would be to much confusion and chaos for anything to get done in a timely and efficient manner, let alone at all. As well, I agree with Gabe when he says we need to all participate and be attentive to each other. Really the only real place to learn and gain knowledge is from each other.
ReplyDeletei think that for the class to be successful, We need to be able to work together in positive way. What i mean by a "positive" way is that we need to be able to help each other when we may not understand an assignment, We need to be respectful of each other and out individual ideas, And we need to be able to work with each other and not against each other. I agree with Caleb when he says that we need to be organized, responsible and patient with each other. I agree with him because we will never be able to complete things as a class if we are not doing the able the three items. We should be able to learn from others in the class and try not to put their ideas down.
ReplyDeleteTo have a class run successfully for both students and the teacher, communication is a biggie; but I also think having informal conversations with the teacher sometimes would also be a good thing. This allows the students to be more comfortable with one on ones with the teacher. For this year, I expect to myself to improve my writing skills, and social skills. I just hope Mrs. Smith will control the class when necessary and have fun.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher to me is someone who doesn't just stand at the front of the room and only lecture, but instead finds other ways to help everyone learn and get involved. A good class is one where everyone takes part, whether it's actually paying attention, doing assignments, or taking part in discussion. I think as students, we are expected to interact in class, respect when someone is talking,and pay attention. I expect Mrs. Smith to answer any questions that anyone has for her and be available for any outside help as well.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is one who is always involved in their students lives, not just in their academic life, but social and extra-curricular life too. The teacher wants to find out ways to help his/her students succeed in his/her class. A good class is one that respects the teacher, and the others in the class. they participate and are involved in what the teacher is doing. I personally am not a good writer, but I would love to be able to become a reader in where I am confident in my work.
ReplyDeleteIn order for a class to be successful, the teacher must engage the students in communication whether it be over a book or an assignment; the students must engage during class discussions and participate; the classes themselves need to have a comfortable environment. My expectations for myself, Smith, and the class are similar to the expectations I have for a classroom in general.
ReplyDeleteQualities of a good teacher are good communication skills, being understanding, having an open mind, etc. A good teacher should be willing to really listen to what each and every student has to say and take it into consideration. A good student is willing to try their hardest and learn, that's why they are in school. A good class should be willing to work together, to create a comfortable learning environment. I have high expectations for this class, Smith, and myself because language arts classes are my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI think both students and teachers need to be able to communicate and work together. Students should also be prepared to learn and should respect their teacher and classmates. Classes should be able to cooperate and create a fun learning environment. I have high expectations for this class because everyone seems optimistic and the first day went well.
ReplyDeleteI think that its both important to be personable as a teacher and a student. It has always seemed that through out my school career that when their is good communication things go smoother. I also like when a teacher understands that life happens and sometimes theirs is no getting around it. This is very helpful because their isn't such a tense setting and it isn't to strict. Class should be a fun learning environment, not a class everyone dreads going to each and every morning. I expect to learn a lot during this class but also want to have fun in the last English class I will ever take.
ReplyDeleteI think the good qualities teachers and students embody is good communication .The expectations I have for myself is to grow as a writer and reader. Also to become confidant in those two subjects. For Mrs.Smith my expectations would be willing to work with me even if it takes me a while to understand things we are learning about. I really like when teachers understand we will have things that come up and it will happen and thats okay; but knowing the teacher is willing to work with you is very nice.For the class my expectations are to have a fun environment and be abel to work together.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important qualities in any relationship in life is communication. This is especially true in the case of a student-teacher relationship. Without communication, the student nor the teacher knows what's going on. Mutual respect is also key in all relationships. You are treated by others based on how you treat others. I expect to become a stronger reader and writer through this class. A fun and interactive classroom environment helps me learn best and I am guessing this is the case for most students. I am optimistic for this year and I am excited to get back to work.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important qualities between a student and teacher is good communication. I think this is a good quality because communicating allows the student and teacher to know exactly what is going on. Another thing is having a good learning experience and have fun while learning because then it keeps everybody engaged and enjoy the class a lot more.
ReplyDeleteIn order for students and teachers to be successful in a classroom, they must learn to understand one another. This goes for not only the students of the class, but also between the teacher and the students. Everyone must be accepting of everyone's thoughts, whether you disagree or not. After all, a discussion is pointless if everyone just agrees with each other; there must be differing thoughts and ideas. Another important way to be to be a good class is to allow everyone to learn in their own way and manner, and not trap them into a specific method. I expect to have a fun class with everyone participating and having a good time. I agree with Michelle S, in that everyone should feel comfortable and unafraid to be their self in the class. I also hope we can be sure to have fun and not get caught up in learning material all the time.
ReplyDeleteThe most important quality of a class that makes is successful is that it is memorable. Every day we shuffle through classes robotically but if we are apart of a class that automatically stands out then that is a win win for the teacher and students. In order to make the class memorable there has to be a good balance between comedy and seriousness to make the class interesting. With a good balance everyone can become comfortable with their peers and feel more at ease to share thoughts. Once this is established the important manners such as being respectful of one another and listening to what each individual has to say becomes more natural. As these become more natural a good class has a subtle friendship aspect between teacher and student and student to student which further supports the base of a good class. My expectations of this year are for everyone to feel comfortable in class to share what is on their mind about a topic and like Alyssa R said, to have good communication. Communication is the basis of friendship and friendship is the basis to a memorable class.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is someone who is dedicated to helping his or her students as much as possible, and not one who just lectures for an entire class period. Good students would include people who can respect one another and are kind to everyone. I think that with the students and teacher being able to communicate well then things will work out. With both of those being done would create a good class. In this class I do expect to improve in many different ways as well as enjoy the time that is spent in this class. I would like to do this in a fun and enjoyable way.
ReplyDeleteA good class is one that the teacher and the students collaborate in a positive way. The teacher understands the class and respects them. Likewise, a good class is one that respects the teacher, does their best, and actually tries to learn. If a teacher and the class can work in harmony together, then the school year will be a beneficial, and worth while one. I expect that I will learn a lot from Ms. Smith, that she will do her best to make sure that I, and everyone else, will learn something new and useful this year. I expect that when I need help, I can go to her and get the problem resolved. I expect that she will be a caring teacher that is invested in helping us succeed. I hope that this class will be educational, informational, and entertaining.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is one that respects his/her students and has thorough communications on what they expect. A good class needs to be one that keeps us busy but doesn't have us doing nonsense busy work that has no point. I do also believe that, like Michael said, a class needs to have a little bit of humor in it to keep the mood alive and not have us bored out of our minds because at that point we are not going to learn anything because our minds are somewhere else. I hope to learn a lot from Ms. Smith this year and end the year better than I started it.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, there are two parts to an effective classroom setting: the teacher and the students. The teacher should be engaging and dynamic, demonstrating a real love for the the subject matter which they are teaching. Also, the teacher should have a legitimate belief that each of his or her students can succeed. The other part of an effective classroom setting is the student body. They must be interested in participating fully, and be willing to learn and to seek help from the teacher. As many have said before, communication between the two parties is also crucial.
ReplyDeleteMy own expectations follow my criteria for an effective class. I will hold myself to the elements I believe make up an effective student, and I expect that Mrs. Smith will exceed my criteria for an effective teacher. I look forward to a great year!
Good teachers and good students are just good people in general. They know to be polite and respectful as well as know that there is a time to work and a time to have fun. Students in class should be prepared to learn and support one another because for some the thought of sharing ideas with the class can be scary. I will be responsible and stay on task over the course of the year and I hope to have fun in learning about English Literature.
ReplyDeleteMichelle S. I really liked what you said about the dedication that teachers have towards their students! The sense of dedication almost offers a source of connection and trust between students and teachers.
Anna Z.
Good teachers and good students need to be on the same page. Teachers need to see where we are coming from if we struggle with a certain topic, and we need to see where the teacher is coming from if told we need to buckle down and get work done. The class needs to embody respect but also the confidence to help other classmates or speak their mind if they disagree. I think theis class will be a good one, the kids seem to like interaction, and Mrs. Smith seems to like having fun and making the class enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers exhibit qualities of understanding of not just the material, but each students learning situation. It's not about classes, but about individual students. Even in the face of sarcasm and dis-interest, they stay calm and respectful, trying to work with the the student. Students should come to class with the mindset that they are going to learn, because that is why we come to school. School only takes up half the day, and we can do other things with our free time. Classes should accept the fact that the people in the class are going to be there and won't be swapped out, so they should learn to work with each other.
ReplyDeleteI expect to walk away at the end of the semester feeling like I learned something of value. I expect Ms. Smith to just keep doing what she has been doing so far, because it seems promising. And lastly I expect the class to support each other and have somewhat of a professional environment.
I like what Eric said about communication. If you don't let yourself be heard, then nobody will hear you. Talk with the teacher about concerns. Talk with your classmates. It will just work out better.
-Calvin Lewis
I think for an optimal learning environment both teachers and students must care and being willing to show interest. Obviously respect and communication play big roles as well. I believe everything works best when teachers and students are comfortable with each other. Were all seniors and I would like to think were all mature enough to conduct ourselves appropriately in the classroom, therefore I don't see any problems. I think with all that being said we should have a good year.
ReplyDeleteGriffin Hansen
I totally agree with Kirsten T; I think a truly successful class is one who is engaged and interested in the topics, and a teacher who encourages creativity. A class cannot be successful if the teacher is not there for the students. I believe that teachers should strive to change the lives of their students, as Kirsten said. I also agree with Griffin H. that a class must be united. To me that means that when you cross the threshold into the room, all drama and prejudice are left in the hall so that the classroom can be an environment that invites openness and questions. I hope that as a class we can work together well and create a sense of unity, even if it's just for an hour, although I hope it is longer than that. I expect that in this class I will learn a lot about college essays, which I'm very grateful for because I need to be thinking about that. I also expect that I will question and re-question concepts and ideas that we read or talk about to better understand and appreciate the world. I will work to live up to the expectations set on me as an English Lit student, a junior, and as a peer.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is someone who is passionate about what they teach, can find a enjoyable way to teach to students, can connect with students, and lastly can push the students to their best with constructive criticism. A good student tries to keep a positive attitude, pushes themselves to be the best that they can be, and respects the teacher as well as other classmates. In a good classroom students and teachers should be comfortable to express thoughts and ideas and like Calvin said the classroom should be a warm, welcoming as well as professional environment. In this class I would like to have a comfortable setting and experience while improving my reading and writing skills.
ReplyDeleteI think good quality teachers have the ability to connect with the class in the classroom and also maybe even more importantly connect to their life outside, and improve there everyday life. Good students can create a good relationship with their teacher and open up to them and ask many questions.I expect to do well connecting with Mrs.Smith and to be able to contribute with the class i also hope to have a fun environment to make the class something i look forward to everyday.
ReplyDeleteThe qualities of a good classroom is creating an evironment where everybody feels comfortable to speak what's on their mind. Where everybody accepts each others ideas/thoughts without judging each other. You also need trust between the teacher and student.
ReplyDeleteHaley L.
The qualities of a good classroom is creating an evironment where everybody feels comfortable to speak what's on their mind. Where everybody accepts each others ideas/thoughts without judging each other. You also need trust between the teacher and student.
ReplyDeleteHaley L.
In order for there to be good classroom environment, the teacher and students need to respect one another. There also needs to be an understanding between them on how each individual student learns. I expect to feel comfortable being able to share my thoughts in this class. From Mrs. Smith, I expect her to understand that although there are some people in class that aren't as vocally expressive as others might be, they still absorb things from the conversation. Each student learns in a different way and the teacher should always be aware of that.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that there are many good teachers, students, and classes at Arapahoe. The good teachers are the teachers who not only teach all of their curriculum, but they also follow through with their word. Good students have to do the same. They must do homework, be attentive, and participate in class. Good classes are classes where the students and teachers are on the same page all of the time. If they are not on the same page, then a good class will reach out to fix the confusion. For English Literature, I expect myself to do all of the homework on time and seek help if I need it. For me to be successful in this class I expect Mrs. Smith to help me in my knowledge of writing. I also expect her to be willing to help me if I need help and not over criticize my works. The class just needs to be attentive and pay attention so everyone stays on the same page.