Welcome Back!
- Like every other class, we came in to see a new and exciting seating chart! After we had all found our seats, Smith informed us as to how we will be starting every class. She will close the door and say “Hello Class!” to which we have the lively and cheery response of “Hello Smith!”
- We then all shook hands with and were introduced to Anne Smith.
- Afterwards we were given the Class Expectations where you can find not only the expectations, grading scale, and the reading material, but you can also find Smith's Skype, Twitter, and email should you need to get a hold of her. She assured us that she almost always has her phone with her and will respond to your emails. Also, she is more than willing to Skype with you if you need help on an essay. Also, if you are ever sick or cant make it to class, you can Skype into class!
- One of the things Smith showed us was the Google Calender which has the plan for the day and all of the homework assignments. It can be found the English Literature page under Smith's teacher page.
- We also have a Class Blog that we will use for scribing, discussing, and answer questions that Smith posts. There is a question for you to answer now able your expectations of this class.
- She then explained how English Lit. will be taught differently this year. Instead of being assigned large portions of text at a time, we will instead be reading only twenty to thirty pages at a time (PHEW!) ; however, Smith still expects our best on all annotations and projects.
- Next we discussed scribes and treats. This, what you're reading right now, is a scribe. Its is just a list of the things that we did or discussed today in class so that if you missed something in class or you were absent, you have a more in-depth look at what went on during the day that just the Google calender. It is expected that you scribe at least twice this semester. Another thing mentioned was treats. Smith has started a tradition of bringing snacks for the class every Wednesday. You are expected to sign up once to bring snacks. (You can ask Smith for the sign up sheet.)
- Then we all went around the room to get to know each other a little bit and said what college we want or are going to go to and what we want to major in. We had everything from nurses to business people to theater majors.
- After, we had the opportunity to ask Smith some questions. We found out that she is married to Mr. Krause (yes the one in the English department) and has three children, Will, Jackson, and Emma. When she first started college, Smith was going to be a finance major, but quickly learned, she hated it, thus her current career as an English teacher. If she wasn't a teacher she would be in the FBI. Also, if she could be any super hero, it would be Wonder Woman. She is also currently training for her first full length marathon!
- We then talked about our first writing assignment (don't worry its only one page) Why Read? It is just a short one page essay, it can even be handwritten, about ONE of the quotes that is found on the Google calender slide show. There are also some questions to help guide your writing, but this is mostly just meant to make you think. Just go with it.
- HOMEWORK: Why Read? Essay for Wednesday, Get a copy of our first book Life of Pi by Friday (there are copies available but getting your own is recommended), Class Expectations blog post by Friday, Supplies (found on class expectations sheet), and the online Parent Form (For your PARENTS to fill out)
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